- Maela Maria McDermottroe
- Greta Pauline McLynn
- Sarah Joan Sheehy
- Dido Pat Kinevane
- Hark Conor McDermottroe
- Paul MaelĂosa Stafford
- Seph Conor Mullen
Set in County Derry and the aftermath of the Bloody Sunday killings this historical comedy takes place in a graveyard where the dead are said to rise. The story is told through seven Derry natives who tell their own stories of sadness and ruins as they await the awakening of the dead.
‘Memorable theatre born out of a terrible outrage’- City Tribune, 7 February 1992
‘A very fine, moving, occasionally, beautiful play, possibly the best staged in Druid for sometime The Sunday Press 9 Feb 1992’- The Sunday Press, 9 February 1992
‘An event of strong emotion. It is also an evening of strong performance’- The Guardian, 13 March 1992